Great News!

Dear friends and supporters

In the month of May we were tirelessly pursuing the process of PVO registration. We are now in the final stage where we are left with compiling all our documents to submit our application. In other news, we are pleased to announce that Mukundi has received clearance from Murewa District Development Coordinator. After obtaining clearance we visited  Murewa Rural District Council to sign a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU). The MOU outlines our objectives and operational procedures.

Happy feet: Winter drive project

In the month of May we formed a team of two, with the aim of crocheting winter socks for our beneficiaries. We are exited to share that we successfully crotched forty-five socks. With these socks we are going to carry out our winter drive project in  June. The aim of this project is to distribute crocheted winter socks directly  to our beneficiaries through homes visits. The visits this will allow us to get more insights about their daily lives, thus helping us better understand their needs. Understanding our beneficiaries’ needs is important to us because it helps us in coming up with solutions that directly address those needs thus creating impact.

What comes next?

With the MOU in place, we  now awaiting the District Inception meeting  to be held in July 2024. This meeting will serve as an introduction of Mukundi to various stakeholders within Murewa district. This platform will allow us to share our work, our approach  and the impact we aim to achieve.  Thereafter we will also be engaging local stakeholders in the community we operate in i.e. village heads, health workers, child protection workers  to mention but a few. We will be doing this as we prepare to launch our “Overcoming Barriers project” which will be implemented for the next three years starting from the month of August 2024. This project  falls under pillar 2 of Mukundi’s Five-Pillar-Orphan-Care-Model. We will be  engaging our beneficiaries through themed camps so as to enhance skills and competencies they can use in their daily lives. Until next time, stay tuned for more!

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